I spent a good portion of the weekend working on my story. With some encouragement from Karen Stivali on Twitter, I participated in a #1k1h sprint Sunday afternoon. I used that time to write a new scene from a different perspective.
Poof! It was magic and just what I needed.
Anyway, back to Twitter. I've predominantly been using Twitter these past few months to interact with my other writing friends, which has been great fun. I also use it to follow a few agents and editors, but I admit I follow those who appear to have more of an online presence instead of those who are directly related to my genre.
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So, okay. I think I'm getting the hang of how this all works. I'm still not clear on retweeting, but I'll get around to that. What I really want to better understand, is how to use lists.
I first discovered Twitter lists when I started to follow Donna K. Weaver on Twitter (check out her blog, Weaving a Tale or Two). I noticed she had seven or eight lists of her own, plus she followed lists other people had created. The idea of organizing the people I followed into lists made perfect sense, but then I was stuck trying to figure out who to follow and what lists to put them in. I can see the logic of following a list made by someone else, someone who knows all the key players to follow and who has already done all the "following" work. At least, that's how I think this following and list thing works.
What I'd like to know is how do you use Twitter lists? I think since I'm just scratching the surface of Twitter, I could soon explore following non-writing related feed. Like New York Yankee feeds, for example. And then, if I'm understanding this correctly, I could drop them all in a list and read all those relevant Tweets when I want?
Also, how do you organize your lists? Editors only? Agents only? Published authors only? And how do you find people to follow? I'd love to hear how you organize your Twitter time so it can be the most effective in the shortest amount of time!*
(*--says the girl who just lost 25 minutes of her day staring into space and clicking down the rabbit hole that is Twitter. I need a daydreaming egg timer...)