So this is where I tell you some things about me--but not too much, it is the internet after all--in hopes you think this blog sounds like something you want to follow.
My name is Tricia Conway but I hope (emphasis on hope) to use TL Conway as a publishing name, should the literary Gods ever shine in my favor. I work at a major university where I received my master's in Strategic Communications. I cannot communicate via Morse Code or any other form of communications that you feel is strategic, but I can put together a mean Keynote presentation.
During the day I'm a go-to gal. At night, I'm a writer who dreams of book jackets and font types. Some girls practice signing their names with the last name of their current crush. I practice writing my name legibly in case I ever do a book signing. Until that day comes, I keep myself busy by working full time, spoiling my BBD (big black dog), reading, writing, and planning my next great adventure. Here's a hint: it will involve a passport stamp.
I need an adventure on the horizon, literary or otherwise, lest the monotony of life overwhelm me and I begin to think that ever-common writerly question, "What's the point of it all?"
Yeah. I don't want to go down that road. I do, however, want to travel other roads, find new adventures, and hopefully learn to tell better stories while I'm at it.
This whole being a responsible adult thing is harder than it looks, but I'm catching on.
I think.