Monday, September 10, 2012

Welcome back!

I figure if the local coffee shop chains have unveiled their pumpkin flavored deliciousness, then it's high time I get back to into the swing of things.

But first, a confession...

I'm sorry. I didn't ever want it to get to this, but I don't know any other way out.

I'm going to hit the dreaded "Mark All as Read" button on my Google Reader. I know, I know. You all wrote BRILLIANT blogs in August. I'm sure of it. But at last check, it was over 1000 unread blog posts. It got to the point where I had so many to read and I was feeling like SUCH a fraud for not reading, that I stopped blogging as a result. Cuz that makes sense--just sticking your head in the sand in hopes that it all goes away...

So, I'm confessing my sin and coming clean. And I'm bringing my new, down-to-zero Google Reader with me.

Have you ever felt so behind in something that you didn't know how to get out? Have you ever cleared your Google Reader and started over?


  1. I'd hit mark all as read as well! Welcome back.

    1. Thanks, Alex! I've missed being amongst online friends. It's nice to be back!

  2. Oh no you din't...*with the head bob and finger wag* LOL

    Seriously - I wanted to applaud when I read your confession because I was like "if she apologizes for not blogging I'm gonna have to tell that girl to quit apologizing for being busy, yo"! But then your confession...bwahahahahahaa!!!

    Hell yeah I've felt like that before and hell yeah I've skimmed through weeks of other people's lives just to "be done with it".

    Sometimes a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!

    Welcome back is all I have to add!! Good to see ya!!!

    1. To be totes honest, I'm still skimming most of the blogs. I'm somewhere around 650 right now, but I'll hit the All button soon. It's just this Lutheran-guilt that's weighing me down. :)

  3. I feel like we'll be able to forgive you. :) Welcome back!

  4. Yeah, I hit the restart button all the time. Actually, I think it's healthy to take breaks and just let it all wash under the bridge while you get caught up. Then, when you're ready to jump back in, you're recharged and ready to go.

    1. I agree--the time off has allowed me to brainstorm some new blog post ideas, but I never felt like I could come and blog if I still had all these unread ones on my conscious.

  5. I agree with L.G.Smith. Wish I could do this with email and real life, too. :) It's funny how guilty I feel for not keeping up with social media. Like I'm letting people down or something; but I'm pretty sure the only person who knows and cares I'm not posting or following along is me.

    1. Oh, man. Yes--if I could just start over with a blank email slate, I'd be in business! :) I feel guilty for dropping off the social media planet, too. Especially Twitter. Then I realize most people probably don't notice if I'm there or not. :)

  6. Hey, welcome back! I've done it. I consider it part of the vacation package :) It would be hard to ever take a break knowing there would be THAT much catch up involved.
    Lately I can't seem to keep my reader below 1000. I'm happy when I get it to 800, but it's back over within a few days. LOL

    1. That's always the worst part, knowing the number of unreads just keeps growing!

  7. I know that feeling. I took August off to do Camp NaNo. No way could I try and play catch up.

    1. Oh, absolutely--NaNo is still such a time commitment for me. I couldn't imagine coming back after a month and reading everything I missed!

  8. Haha - All is forgiving, don't worry. Glad to see you back!

  9. Welcome back! I spent so much time writing this summer that my Google Reader gave me anxiety. I did a clean sweep too!


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