Wednesday, June 6, 2012

What can you do in 3 weeks?

Three weeks. 21 days.

What could you get done in 3 weeks if you set your mind to it?

Just about anything, right? I hope so, because that's exactly what I'm up against.

In order to use my 2011 NaNo CreateSpace code for 5 free proof copies, I have exactly three weeks to polish my book and send it in. Truth be told? 21 days is generous. My self-imposed deadline is Tuesday, June 26th, so three weeks minus one day.

But what if I can't do it? Do I draw the line in the sand and say, "Self, if you're not at Point X by Date Y, hang it up"?

In order to give myself the best possible chance of success, I am allowing myself some luxuries this month. In the month of June, it is okay to:

  • Run the dishwasher more than once a week. If lil' ol me fills it up, this means I've been bringing my lunches and making my dinners = more money left over. Win-win.
  • Skip trips to the gym. Something has to give.
  • A 2-mile walk with the dog is enough exercise. There's a book to polish!
  • Go 10-12 days between mowing the lawn. Yes, the neighbors do theirs every 7-8, but that's fine. I'm writing.
  • Laundry. Meh. Not sure why I do it so often anyway.
  • Say no to friends. Thankfully, they all know this deadline is upon me, so they're cool.

Okay, so I have it all laid out and you're likely thinking, "There's no WAY you'll fail!" Alas, I haven't told you the bad parts. 

I rewrote my story outline last night. It's tighter and cleaner and has less "fluff" than before, but it means I have a lot to do. And I'm determined to figure out how to use Photoshop or InDesign to make my cover (I'm proficient enough to screw things up--should be NO problem!) instead of using the CreateSpace cover generator. Finally, in a fit of insanity, I decided to fly out to see a friend in two weeks. He's helped with one of my settings and has offered to play tour guide so I can see it first hand. While I feel this is amazing timing and really quite fortunate, I just HAD to go schedule a 4-day trip in the middle of these sacred three weeks, didn't I...

What was I thinking?! 

Dear Insecure Writers Support Group: I'm worried that I'm going to put all this time and effort, and now money and vacation time, into a project that A) won't come together by the deadline, or B) will sit on my shelf for the rest of eternity because the book isn't "sellable." As a result, I won't be a writer, but instead, a pretender. In debt.

Commence insecurity-induced freak out. 


  1. YOU are an ambitious woman. Screw the lawn mowing, you've got writing to do! Put your head down and get busy. See you in three weeks. :)

  2. You CAN do it! Skip sleep. Eat only what can be inhaled in two minutes. You will find a way.

    1. I've become QUITE proficient at eating sandwiches in front of my computer each night. :) I'm able to skip many things, but sleep isn't one, unfortunately!

  3. You've come this far and have a positive attitude!
    The human spirit is amazing... I'm sure you can do it!!
    Popping in from IWSG.

    1. Hi, Michelle,
      Thanks for stopping by! I hope I can sustain the positive attitude for the next 3 weeks... :)

  4. If I had 21 days, with 24 hours free in each ... I could take over the world. I haven't had 96 hours of straight free time in ... well, a decade, at least.

    1. Well, I think you have teenagers, right? I imagine that would easily take 22 out of the 24 available hours in any given day. I'm always amazed by parents who hold another FT job (because parenting seems FT to me in the first place) AND who write books.

      I'm starting to realize I have no excuse. You have now guilted me into doing this... :)

  5. hell, our front lawns (we're on a corner so we have two) haven't been mowed in 10 days, and it'll probably be another 5 days before they do get mowed.
    And i totally know you can do it. Sometimes, when your time is really limited, it's easier to pull everything together

    1. Oh, man, that's EXACTLY why I didn't get a corner house--more to mow in the summer and shovel in the winter. :) Lazy, party of one!

      I think I am more pressure prompted, which is why things like NaNo work so well for me. I did the same thing with my senior project for my BA and my thesis for my MA.

      Huh... I might just pull this off after all!

  6. Oh boy, I struggle with that last bullet too. This sounds like a great way to balance and focus - good luck! You'll do it!!!

  7. You can do it! Just tuck that chin and plow forward!

    And even if the worst happens, you're still not a pretender. Pretenders are those who spend their time talking about writing instead of actually sitting down and putting the work in. Doesn't sound like that's what you're doing to me. It sounds like you write! Which makes you a writer. :)

    J.W. Alden, stopping by for the IWSG

    1. Ah, yes. That is true. If I put the time in but don't meet my goal, that doesn't mean I have to rescind my I'm A Writer card... Good point!

      Thanks for stopping by, J.W.!

  8. Good luck TL! Sounds like you have a plan!

  9. I also hope to finish a project by the end of the month. We'll have to yell at each other on Twitter to maintain pace!

  10. You can definitely finish by then! Sometimes, life has to be pushed aside so we can finish our writing! ;)

  11. Although there sounds like a lot is going on, I'm sure you can do it. :)

  12. That's a lot of pressure, but if you're committed, you'll find a way.

  13. I have faith in you - you WILL get this all done!!!

  14. All your special luxuries just for June sound like my basic attitude every month!
    I hope you finished your polish in time. Good luck in everything you do! :-)


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